Your search for members aged between 18 and 100 returned 244,575 members
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andy_98952, Canterbury
alwaysbsmiling69, Bay of Plenty
nikki_88854, Taranaki
sharkygirl2546, Southland
mr_smell_nice55, Wellington
nomorebs7154, Auckland
sagittarius_46455, Waikato
syd6070, Waikato
glenn_2852, Canterbury
callmemaybe7153, Bay of Plenty
scoobydoo12347, Hawkes Bay
busman664, Canterbury
cynomantic158, Hawkes Bay
sprightlyhiker54, Auckland
offthegridagain63, Northland
skahu59, Wanganui
greg_67053, Bay of Plenty
speak_from_the_heart54, Wellington
devilish_dude169, Canterbury
missjo7153, Bay of Plenty
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